September 24, 2009


On September 19, 2009 we attended a house warming and anniversary party for Richard and Gail Hicks who live down the lake from our camp on Porter’s Lake. They celebrated by treating everyone to a pig roast. It was our first pig roast and we really enjoyed the feast.

Roasting a full pig requires a lot of time and work. Richard has done it several times and has the process perfected. For a gift, we presented Richard and Gail with a framed photo of a goose that frequented our lake last year. I was the unofficial photographer for the occasion and gave them over 200 pictures of the celebration.

Double click to enlarge pictures


September 23, 2009

The gyprocking and crack filling was completed yesterday and the subcontractor is back today to finish the final sanding. We have been cutover from the temporary power service and have power to the shed. It is a real luxury not to lay out extension cords each time we go to camp. We can now have the fridge on when we leave and take advantage of the electric heat as the weather turns colder.

The plumbing in the shed is finished and the lines pressured tested. Our plan is to temporarily hook up the pump in the camp next week so that we can have running hot water and a functioning toilet in the shed. I installed a pump up toilet in the shed without any rough in plumbing and it has been a project from hell. As you can see from the photo, the walls needed to be opened up to hide the plumping and I wanted the pipes to be installed in a manner that would allow for easy removal of the pump unit for winterization and repairs. The wall is now back together and ready for painting.

Double click to enlarge pictures.

Genevieve - All Blog No Bull!

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