Our Visit to Seattle
Our flight arrived about 2 hours late on Dec 4 due to bad weather. Bob almost had to stay behind as he found out on check in that he was on the US No Fly List. Fortunately, this was straightened out just before departure.
There has been a lot of flooding in the area and Andrew was forced to take the round about way to get us to his home in Duvall. Many highways and homes have suffered serious flood damage. Today (Dec 6) we all (Genevieve, Bob Jonathan, Kristie & Andrew) went to Seattle, had a Dim Sum breakfast, visited the Space Needle, took a trip on the mono rail and visited the Science Fiction Museum.
The Dogs are having a great time. Andrew, Jonathan and Genevieve were hoping to get to Mount Baker to do some Skiing/Boarding; however, the conditions are not good. The weather is much like Vancouver this time of year. This Boeing and MicroSoft land.
Double click to enlarge pics
Genevieve, Bob and Kristie in front of Andrew and Kristie's new home
Local Flooding near Andrew and Kristie's house
This Airport is now offering float plane service
Flooding along I5 south of Seattle was very bad
Another I5 photo
More flood coverage
Andrew & Kristie's four dogs
Sushi and Danger, their two most recent additions
The Gang playing Video Games
More Video Games
The Mono Rail
The Seattle Space Needle
Genevieve, Jonathan, Andrew and Kristie at the top
A view from the top
In front of the Science Fiction Museum