April 2, 2007

Our New Car

We want to make our contribution to the environment and we just picked up a new car that produces, not uses, gas. It gets 53 Km to the bale and we will never have to worry about a speeding ticket. Unfortunately, there are a few drawbacks. Our cow baggie and poop scoop will have to be very large, odours can be a problem when the wind is in the wrong direction, it will take over two days to reach Digby and for some unknown reason we were refused valet parking services last week when we arrived at the Neptune Theatre. Whenever we use the MacPass Gate on the Halifax Bridges other motorists display their lack of courtesy by honking their horn or by giving us the finger up salute.

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April 1, 2007

Jan Wile's 50th !!

It was Jan Wile's 50th birthday and we celebrated with a surprise party at The Vines restaurant on Saturday evening with our old Scouting colleagues. In attendance were Bob and Genevieve, Jon and Chris Saccary, Dan, Sarah and Jan Wile along with Dr. Fred and Shelia Magieo. It was a relaxing evening with fine dining supplemented with lively conservation. A good time was had by all.

Double click to enlarge picture.

Dan, John and Bob

Chris, Jan and Shelia

Dr. Fred, Sarah and Dan

John tried to convince us this was low in calories!



Our steps have been completed. It is great to be able to walk direcly out without the dangerous stepdown that existed with the concrete entrance.

Double click to enlarge picture.

Genevieve - All Blog No Bull!

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