February 2, 2007

Our Newest Toy!

I just received my new studio light kit. Photo lighting has always fascinated me and I finally have some gear to play around with. The kit includes 3 monolights, 2 softboxes, 2 umbrellas, reflectors and a honeycomb grid light modifier. The monolights are Alien Bee 1600 units with 640 wattseconds of output. Now all I have to do is learn how to use them properly. Jonathan has experience with this stuff and is showing me the ropes. Genevieve was ok with the procurement until it arrived and we set it up. Her only concern was where to find room to store all this junk. The last photo shows her reaction to the situation.

Double click to enlarge pic.

The first shot with the softboxes.

A closeup. We still have a lot to learn on eyeglass reflections!

Closer in still. Much better lighting this time. Didn’t get rid of the eyeglass reflection completely.

Niko enjoys having his picture taken and fully aproves of the acquisition.

A shot of Jon using the umbrellas. They are a lot easier to setup and use than the softboxes.

A fun shot.

Results with maxium power output from the monolights!

A closeup. The photos of Niko and myself were taken with a Nikon D70s and the photos of Jon were taken with my Nikon D200.

As you can see Genevieve was not happy with this acquisition!

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