November 16, 2010

We almost owned a houseboat
November 2010

The Digby area experienced a record rainfall during the early part of November and the southern end of the providence experienced considerable flooding and damage. The intense rainfall raised the water level in our lake five feet above normal. At its crest the water was within an inch of flooding the lower woodshed. Fortunately, the camp was still had a foot or more of reserve above high water. We came close to owning a houseboat! Part of the problem resulted from plugged drainage culverts at the end of the lake.

Our neighbors, Bob and Luella Marshall, were also threatened. The water level was almost up to their water pump. By November 12 the rain had stopped, the culverts were cleared and the level of the lake was receding.

Genevieve has been busy getting ready for Santa and has the camp decorated. We now have a wood insert for the fireplace and are better prepared for power outages.

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