August 27, 2011

July 2011

The 2011 Stan Rogers Folk Festival marked the 15th anniversary of this event. There was a long lineup of great entertainers and the weather cooperated again this year. We were able to visit the intreprative center and historic site of Grassy Island near Canso. Parks Canada provided a small boat for transportation to and from the Island. On the return trip the skipper let two young boys steer the boat. It was one of those Kodak moments and their parents didn't have a camera. I snapped a few pics and sent the attached photo to them.

This years lineup include Catheine MacLellan, Bruce Guthro, Dave Gunning, JP Cormier, Rawlings Cross, Crash Test Dummies, Peter Yarrow, Dan Hill, Ron Hynes, Judy Collins and many more. Bob's favorite was Beoga, a traditional Irish Band that featured an outstanding bodhran player.

We are looking forward to next year’s event.

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Canso from Grassy Island

Vernon St Visit
Digby July 2011

We were delighted to have Stephen, Sarah and their friends from Vernon St. visiting the camp for a few days. This year we had a short nature hike and were fortunate to see a beaver and a birds nest. Besides all the good food at the camp, the group also enjoyed a meal at the Dockside in Digby.

Our plans to visit Upper Clements Park was curtailed by bad weather; however, we went to the Habitant in Annapolis. The intrepretators were great and everyone had a great time. Hopefully we can get to Uopoer Clements next year.

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