August 2, 2009

August 1, 2009

A lot has taken place since the last post. The roof is now shingled and less water gets in the basement each time it rains. Neil and his crew worked on a job in Digby during the week of July 27 to 31. This gave us time to have the trenches dug for the services (power cables and water/sewer pipes).
It was a major job requiring about 175 feet of 5 foot deep trenches. The weather did not cooperate as it rained for most of Thursday (July 30th) when the power cables and water pipes were being installed. Power feeds to the camp and shed will be underground. We also installed a water and sewer connection between the two buildings as well as a two inch counduit to provide for telephone, tv, etc.
The job was started on the Thursday and the trenches filled in by early afternoon on Friday. The excavation crew had the site cleaned up and the roadway smoothed out shortly after.

Double click to enlarge pictures.

A view from one of the bedrooms showing what will be the dining room, kitchen and living room. The opening with the big "X" will be a patio door to the front deck.

A view of the basement.

The trenching has started!

A panaroma of the dig.

The finshed trenches with the services installed.

One worm to another 'I really like your new condo. The wiggle way goes on forever and the colourful view from the balcony is breathtaking.'

The two blue pipe on the left are water and sewer. The grey pipe is a piece of 2 inch conduit for tv, phone, etc. The larger of the two black cables is the 200 amp power feed to the camp and the smaller is a 100 amp feed from the camp back to the new shed.

The backfilling was very labour intensive as a 12 inch layer of screened sand had to be hand raked around the power cables before the trenches could filled.

The job is almost finished!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice Blog.

10:28 AM  

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