May 17, 2009

A few more pics from our Seattle Trip

We have been visiting Andrew, Kristie and Tessa for over a week and the time to return home is drawing near. Sunday evening we will be staying in Seattle overnight to catch a morning flight to Halifax via Vancouver and Toronto. Genevieve did not plan this return very well as we arrive home at 1:50 AM Tuesday. It has been a great trip and Tessa has heard all the naughty versions of the old nursery rhymes.

Double click to enlarge pictures

Tessa with her Panda impression.

Gradnma can't get enough of Tessa!

Tessa with mom and dad.

Three generations of the Burkes.

Andrew and Kristies back yard.

We went to Belleview on a shopping spree for Tessa

Tessa was tuckered out from all the shopping.


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